I've been 'silent' because of a lack of internet access at the apartment. A private company supplies the wi-fi, so, obviously, it's not very efficient. I'm now at 'Koffee' a cafe just round the corner, which has 'free' internet access, provided you buy one drink per hour. A photo will follow. News in brief, then. I've started my research at the Beinecke Library. It's plush and peaceful. As sometimes happens with archival material, you never know how good the material in the 'boxes' that are brought to you will be. On day one, it was a bit disappointing: Langston Hughes's luggage labels and bar-bills during his European travels in the 1960s, when I'd been hoping for long letters. But day two was more promising: drafts of speeches, showing his interest in TV and radio as platforms for communicating the ideas of the civil rights movement. And then there were the rantings of 'Bryher', who appears to be esteemed by literary scholars for being connected with all the great modernists. The first letter of hers I looked at boasted of how spiffing it was to 'break' the strike in 1926. So: another spoilt rich person - whose later letters to the BBC suggest she's a pretty narrow-minded intellectual. Give me Langston Hughes any day. I've been outside a bit: hard not to be, given that it's sunny, dry and warm. It really does feel like the beginning of summer on campus, with everyone lounging around on the grass in the quads (are they allowed to do that?). The Beinecke Library was open as usual yesterday (Good Friday) - there seems to be no indication anywhere that it is Easter - but I finished early to have a wander around some of the second-hand bookshops. The second-hand bookshops are great, though since I was over-weight with my luggage allowance coming over, there's a strong self-denying restriction on my book-buying instincts. One reason they're great is that they play good British music. A general rule of thumb here: if any place - bookshop, cafe - has intellectual pretensions, then it plays British music. Finally, the photos: Beinecke in the sunshine; the main quad in the 'Old Campus'; the house where I'm staying - I'm in the 'Library Loft', which is top left as you look at the picture. Heading back there soon, to get on with some work.